Noblesse Wiki
Noblesse Wiki

Kranz and his team are at the Union base that was recently locked down by Dr. Crombel. Tao tries to restore the connection but fails, as the server was destroyed. They find out that Crombel was passing by and had no real reason for the visit. They find out everyone at the base was killed and that even Jake and Mari were terminated during the mission. It seems that Tao had once fought Jake and defeated him. When they find out that M-21 and M-24 were also there on a mission, Kranz tells Tao to find M-21's location. Suddenly a ceiling light hanging from the roof begins to fall straight over Tao's head, but Takeo arrives and shoots it before it could fall.

At the school, M-21 meets Seira and Regis and tells them that he told them the truth and that there wasn't any mutant involved in the hospital massacre, but an Infected being. He tells them that an Infected is a being created when a modified human infects a normal human. Regis disagrees claiming that it has to be a mutant and its difficult to differentiate between an Infected and mutant. He asks M-21 about where are the Infected and the modified human who infected the being. M-21 tells them that both of them are dead. Regis asks him why he is telling them all that, to which M-21 replies that he feels sorry for two kids who are wasting their nights searching for clues. In the chairman's office, Frankenstein discusses the clans of Seira and Regis with Raizel wondering that their influence might have decreased. Rai asks him to add sugar to the tea.

At Ik-Han's house, Ik-Han is working on his computer while Shinwoo is sitting idly. He asks Ik-Han to cook him something to eat but Ik-Han tells him that he needs to finish the security check for his uncle today. Shinwoo decides to cook something himself. While working, Ik-Han sees someone sneak into the security system and stops him. The one trying to hack is Tao, who gets excited and tries again.
