Noblesse Wiki
Noblesse Wiki

Knowing that he isn't strong enough to defeat Mari, M-21 tries to attack first but his attacks are easily dodged. Mary states that they will have to modify the information regarding them in Union's database, but she suddenly notices that her arm was slightly injured by M-21's attack. This makes her angry and she starts to take M-21 seriously.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Jake starts running after M-24, who is standing in his way to stop Jake from catching up with the children. He attacks Jake again using full power but this time, Jake easily dodges his attack and grabs his head to further thrust it into the ground. The children hear the loud noises but Shinwoo tells them to keep moving.

Outside the building, Mary and M-21 are fighting but Mary easily overwhelms him without even transforming. She states that it was only interesting because of his unexpected hidden power, but he is still a failed experiment. This statement angers M-21 who claims that they are not just disposable subjects that the Union can use and discard whenever they choose. As Mary tries to further her remarks, calling them consumables, Frankenstein and Raizel arrive at the location. Frankenstein tells Mary he doesn't like the way that sounds.
